Tuesday, July 1, 2014

His far out arguments collapsed w time....

His far out arguments collapsed with time,

flying saucers reflected their distance from the sun,

galvanized steel shined cold like jellied broth,

there was never time for them to take a chance.

His father never taught him much of anything,

his dad never even showed him how to tie his shoes,

and so he never bothered asking anyone anyways,

that morning he tripped on a cereal box,

and licked the plastic spoon as he fell.

They never settled on how much heat crept in when no shades were drawn,

they instead moved on to less trivial topics like various lightbulb strengths,

and how gentle dynamite can be when no one is looking,

both sauntered the afternoon away behind clotheslines,

dampened fantasies never free from even the slightest breeze,

All he wanted was more ice cream,

but their disagreements always spoiled anything sweet,

and he always liked to masquerade around in his purple tinted shades,

the shades seemed to authenticate any corrupted smiles,

and all he ever really wanted was the breeze to come and brush across her dimples just right.